B0XX questions I had
I had some questions when I got my B0XX. I figured it’d be a good idea to document the answers, so they might help someone else someday. If that’s you, hope this helps!
Table of contents (For Ctrl + F purposes)
- Is there a way to have dolphin detect the b0xx even when tabbed out when using native controller inputs?
- Is aerial movement meant to be done with full left/right or modifiers + left/right?
- Is full dash over mod (Instead of walk) normal?
- Do armrests suck for box?
Is there a way to have dolphin detect the b0xx even when tabbed out when using native controller inputs?
Yes. Under controller settings turn on background input:

Reply by Streamlord20XX#7778
Is aerial movement meant to be done with full left/right or modifiers + left/right?
Hax said that there’s pretty much no need to do modifier drifting.

Reply by Hugh#0607
Is full dash over mod (Instead of walk) normal?
Yes. Section 9.1 of the Melee manual goes over this. When holding both left and right the modifier will not trigger a walk, for ledgedashing purposes.

Reply by Crane#1195
Do armrests suck for box?
Yeah, if your chair supports it lower them as much as possible.
Reply by Rohze#6853
Do we waveland with L, or R?
With L, because you can’t get a long Waveland with L since Mod+L is lightshield (not full press which is needed for airdodge)
Also, Hax responded with more detail:

Reply by Crane#1195 and Hax$#9248